domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Vocabulary 1: The Blossoms meet the Vulture Lady

  1. inventor
  2. misery
  3. cruelty
  4. frustated
  5. inspiration
  6. perfectionist
  7. construction
  8. despair
  9. invention

inventor: A person who creates  something for the first time.
sentence: Thomas Edison was the inventor of the light bulb.

misery:great pain or distress 
sentence: Junior was upset and in misery because be was trapped in the cage.

cruelty: Thequality or condition  of liking to cause pain or surfering.
sentence: spreading lies that causes great pains is an example of cruelty.

frustated: The conditions of feelihg prezled, helpless, or discouraged.
sentence: We felt great frustation when our team lost every games.

inspiration: A sudden, original idea.
sentence: Junior had an inspiration when he thought of using his dog to help him escape from the hope.

 perfectionist: A person who sets difficult goals and becomes dissapointed when they are not met.
sentences: A perfectionist does not like anything that is less than perfect.

construction: The act of processof building.
sentence: The construction of a model airplane is easy if you follow the directions.

despair: Total lack of hope.
sentence: When couldn't unlatch the cage after trying and trying. Junior felt a total despair.

invention: Something invented, machine, device etc.
sentence: I invented a machine for weave.

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